Aarreaitta: Tarton keskiaikaiset tekstiilit / what a treasure: Medieval textiles from Tartu, Estonia
TÄNÄÄN / TODAY: Riina Rammo "Tekstiilileiud Tartu keskaegsetest jäätmekastidest: tehnoloogia, kaubandus ja tarbimine" Date: 16.12.2015 - 16:15 to 18:00 Thesis supervisors: Senior Research Fellow Heiki Valk, PhD Jüri Peets, PhD Erki Russow. Opponents: Dr hab prof Jerzy Maik (Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, oddział w Łodzi); Dr. Katrin Kania (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg). Summary In the medieval society, the functions of textiles were manifold and might vary from practical to symbolic. Every medieval person needed textiles every day – in addition to clothing, in household and furnishing as well as packaging and sails in transport. One of the biggest medieval assemblages of archaeological textiles has been found in cesspits in Tartu. The doctoral theses are based on 3257 textile fragments. Cesspits were once used as lavatories and pits for waste. Textile scraps thrown into cesspit may...